Induction & Refresher Assessment Review Route
The I&R Assessment Review Route comprises of a career review interview with the Post-CCT Team and I&R Scheme Panel, the MCQ Assessment, Simulated Surgery and a GP Placement in a Surgery / work-based assessments
MCQ Assessment
There are two parts to the MCQ I& R Learning Needs Assessment; both are designed to assess some of the essential competences outlined in the National Person Specification and are based around clinical scenarios. Applicants will first be asked to complete a Professional Dilemmas (PD) paper, followed by a Clinical Problem Solving (CPS) paper.
Detailed information regarding the MCQ is available in the MCQ I&R Learning Needs Assessment Guidance document.
Number of permissible attempts & associated costs
Applicants are permitted a maximum number of four attempts at the MCQ. A successful attempt at the MCQ is valid for a maximum of 12 months from the date of the assessment.
Where a candidate has already attained a pass at the CPS MCQ but wishes to attain a higher Band outcome to change the placement recommendation pathway they will be permitted to do so but will be subject to the full LNA fee, if re-sitting both papers MCQ's the fee is £150 if only one paper MCQ then the fee is £75
GP Placements
As part of the scheme you will be given a placement within a GP surgery. Your placement will be at a General Medical Council (GMC) approved training practice. You will have a named GP educational supervisor (usually a trainer) for an agreed period who can be flexible around your educational needs, location and personal commitments. The supervised practice may vary from a month, up to a maximum of six months (full time).
Medical Indemnity Insurance
You will need appropriate medical indemnity for both your application to the Medical Performers List (MPL) and to work while on the I&R scheme. The indemnity does not need to be activated and paid for until the start of the placement but NHS England will need written proof before you start a placement in general practice. Regional teams or your dedicated account manager can advise about what cover and payment is needed.
A Payment of up to £750 for costs of professional negligence cover while on the Scheme (effective from 1 August 2019)