Application Process

Doctors in Training (DiT) wishing to apply for Study Leave need to discuss and agree their training/learning needs with their Educational Supervisor. Once discussed these needs are then to be entered as an educator note on ePortfolio or recorded in the DiT’s Personal Development Plan (PDP). The Study Leave time is to be agreed with the Rota Co-ordinator, Educational Supervisor and Clinical Supervisor (for ST1 & 2) in their post.

Once leave has been approved by the Educational Supervisor, Clinical Supervisor and Rota Coordinator, the DiT must enter the training course and estimated study leave expenses onto Accent at least two weeks before the date of the course commencing, entering the named people (Educational Supervisor, Clinical Supervisor & Rota Coordinator) they have spoken to for approval. Study Leave will only be approved by the Patch Manager with these necessary authorisations. Study Leave will not be approved by the Patch Manager if there are GP teaching sessions taking place on this particular day or if there is an equivalent course available locally, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Once the training has been undertaken and in order to be reimbursed of the allowed expenditure, DiTs should submit receipts, completed feedback form and a certificate of attendance within 3 months of the training taking place, to your Patch Manager. Your study leave expenses will be reimbursed with your monthly salary. Claims submitted after the 3 months have elapsed will not be paid.

Study leave applications should be submitted for any course a doctor in training needs or wishes to attend (N.B. not required for the in-house structured teaching programme).  The applications are for the authorisation of financial reimbursement – the time off must be negotiated with the relevant people before submitting the form for approval.