Bristol Gynae Oncology Course

Category: Training - Other

Date: January 27th 2016 9:00am until January 29th 2016 5:00pm

Location: Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre, Bristol, BS2 8ED

Google map

Surgical and non-Surgical  management of Gynaecological cancers.  Investigations.  Introduction to Brachytherapy.  Diagnostic surgery in gynaecological cancers. Gynaecological investigations.  Chemo Radiotherapy.  Chemotherapy.
 Radiobiology.  Palliative care.  Lymphedema management. Patient support.  Homeopathy.  Follow up clinics and details of multi-disclipinary work. 

Gynae-oncology specialist lectures delivered by the multidisciplinary team managing Gynae cancer in the southwest. The course is organised by Dr Hoda Al-Booz, Consultant in Clinical Oncology at the Bristol Oncology Centre. Lectures cover all aspects of the speciality such as surgical oncology, medical oncology, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, radiobiology,  palliative care, clinical psychology, TYA management, infertility issues, specialist Gynae nursing, and radiotherapy radiographers roles. Candidates will have a general overview of the speciality with specific detailed talks on individual speciality aspects.

Full details and to book your place:

Cost:  £100 per day