GP Trainers' Conference 2017
The Headland Hotel, Newquay
9th - 10th November 2017
09:00am – 17:00pm
‘Staying Alive: Learn and Thrive’
Keynote speakers:
- Sir Denis Pereira-Gray OBE HonDSc FRCP FRCGP FMedSci
- Dr Andrew Eynon-Lewis BSc (Hons), MSc (Med Educ) MB MB FRCGP DCH DRCOG
- Professor Valerie Wass BSc (Hons), FRCGP, FRCP, MHPE, PhD, FHEA, FCGP(SL)
- Professor Martin Marshall CBE RCP, FPHM, RCGP Vice chair (External Affairs)
There will be a variety of workshops to enthuse, support and inform you. Importantly the conference provides a unique opportunity to network with GP training colleagues in Devon and Cornwall.
Booking is available via a form which can be found on the Event Page of our website (details below) and payment will be required with your booking form in order to secure your place.
Residential Delegate : £350.00
Day Delegate (Thurs 10th November) : £90.00
Day Delegate (Thurs 10th November) + Evening Meal : £120.00
Day Delegate (Fri 11th November) : £90.00
Payment should be made by cheque payable to: Health Education England and both the booking form and cheque should be sent to:
Lisa Nancholas, Primary Care Administrator, Raleigh Building, Plymouth Science Park, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 8BY
Please be aware that we do not accept payment by BACS and we are unable to confirm your place until we have received both your booking form and payment, so please ensure you send them together to avoid any issues. We anticipate this conference will be oversubscribed so please book early to secure your place.
Free parking is available at the venue.
All information can be found on the website along with downloadable copies of the booking form and workshop selections. See details below.
For all queries please contact: