GP Trainers’ Conference 2019 - Thursday Workshop Choices


Trust Me, I’m a Doctor 

Facilitated by Dr Dylan Watkins 

An exploration/discussion of the importance of trust as a GP. 

Are there skills or behaviours that promote trust, and can we learn and therefore teach these? 



 Diet and Type 2 Diabetes

Facilitated by Dr Nicola Guess


Managing Type 2 Diabetes within Primary Care - what do we know, how can we help, and what are the myths!



OOH Update – How to support your trainee with OOH competence 

Facilitated by Dr Chris Campbell 


An update on the out of hours requirements for trainees, update on the new OOH urgent care passport, discussions about alternative ways to achieve competence and general update on what is happening out of hours.  



Primary Care Networks – Why do they matter? 

Facilitated by Dr Kelsey Boddington 


A group discussion about how new, collaborative and innovative ways of working in Primary Care Networks can inspire GPs and GP trainees to help secure a happier and more resilient GP workforce. 



‘Jog On’ 

Facilitated by Barry McKenna and James Ashby 


I am more physically and mentally exhausted after a day at work than after a physical endurance event and this has always intrigued me. I wonder what the effect would be of introducing protected time in my day for even a short period of exercise? This workshop gives you the opportunity to look at the personal mental health, long-term mental health benefits and daily productivity outcomes of such an intervention...whilst running of course.  



Practical Teaching Skillls (Ultimate Frisbee) 

Facilitated by Dr Ed Fitzherbert 
We will be looking at what makes a good teaching session in a very practical way. Ed plans to use teaching on how to play Ultimate Frisbee as his teaching/learning paradigm (so bring your beach footwear). This is both an opportunity to learn and to teach. If you have a skill or an interest ranging from juggling to French plaiting come along prepared to have fun, learn some skills and hopefully pass on a skill or interest of your own in a small group setting. 



ePortfolio Masterclass 

Facilitated by Dr Susanna Hill 


An opportunity to review the E portfolio and explore how to maximise it's use as both a formative and summative tool for our trainees. 



Individual Behavioural Preferences and Optimising Team Performance 

Facilitated by Dr Helen Rochester and Dr Claire Fox 


Discover and learn about C-Me colour profiling regarding your innate behaviour preferences in your adapted and resting states. Learn how to recognise these preferences in your team, and how to maximise your potential by playing to individuals’ strengths. 



Artificial Intelligence in it time to hang up our stethoscopes? 

Facilitated by Dr John Fox 


This workshop will be an exploration of how AI is likely to affect our work as GPs and what we need to do to stay relevant. 



Singing for Health 

Facilitated by Dr Sam Gardner  



Trainee Led Workshop 

Facilitated by Dr Oliver Prescott 


This workshop will discuss the projects that ex-Peninsula trainees have been undertaking, as well as their experiences of the training programme from a trainee point-of-view.