GPST1 Induction Day 2017
Category: GP - Other
Date: September 6th 2017 9:30am until 5:00pm
Location: Baylis, 1 Davy Rd, Plymouth PL6 8BX
ST1 Induction Day
Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education will host an Induction Day on 6th September 2017 from 0930 to 1700.
This day aims to introduce you to the GP Team, provide you with key information about the years ahead, as well as introduce you to the ethos of the School of Primary Care.
We aim to give you a chance to think more broadly about your training, the challenges ahead, your professional responsibilities and values and how to avoid some of the pitfalls that may lie ahead.
Please note this is a compulsory Deanery Day and all GPST1s are expected to attend; you should apply for Study Leave as soon as possible.
The induction day will take place in the Baylis Conference Suite at Plymouth Science Park. Please visit the Plymouth Science Park website for directions.
The Peninsula Primary Care Team will register you on arrival at the Baylis Conference Suite.
All attendees will be emailed with a parking permit for the Plymouth Science Park. Please ensure you print it in advance and display it in your vehicle and please make sure that you have your car registration number with you when you register.
Please be aware that parking spaces are limited therefore we would encourage you to car share and use alternate means of transportation where possible.
All visitors using the car park must display a valid Car Parking Permit, failure to do so may result in a fine of £100.00, for which Peninsula PGME cannot be held responsible.