Role of the Training Programme Director (TPD)

The Training Programme Director's (TPD) role is quite complex and TPDs have an annual appraisal by patch Associate Postgraduate Deans. The rating scale for TPDs outlines what it takes to be a TPD and is used as a basis for the appraisal.

Any of our TPDs will be happy to discuss their job with you if you are keen to become involved in GP education.

Study leave


Training Programme Directors who are not already GP Trainers are entitled to claim up to £750 per year for funding for personal and professional development over and above that already provided by the Deanery. The Training Programme Director Independent Learning Account application for funding procedure is outlined in a separate protocol.

Training Programme Directors who are also trainers receive a Trainer Continuing Professional Development grant of £750 per year and an ILA of up to £300 in order to support their professional development in both roles.
The following framework outlines the process for requests for additional support for personal and professional development funding, over and above the Independent Learning Account, as follows:

  • Development need is identified via annual appraisal with Associate Postgraduate Dean
  • Benefit to the individual and value to the organisation is identified
  • Training Programme Director completes a Funding Application Form and sends to Education Team Manager at Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education.
  • The application for extra funding is taken to the Education Executive Quality Management Group for consideration and identification of available funds
  • Points that will be considered:
    • Is there an organisational need for this area of development? 
    • The Training Programme Director Independent Learning Account (£300) should be used in the first instance and possibly Trainer Continuing Professional Development grant if applicable
  • If there is an organisational need, Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education will fund up to 50% of the total cost if the application is approved.
  • Development study (over and above the Independent Learning Account) may be funded through a bursary scheme, which may vary from year to year.
  • If an area of faculty development need is identified by Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education that would enable an individual to undertake some additional professional area of study, this will be put out to tender and bids approved through the Education Executive. Full funding may then be provided at the Education Executive’s discretion.

Programme delivery funding

Protocol for TPD Funding Applications by Training Programme Directors (programme delivery budget)

  • Submit the appropriate fully completed electronic or paper application form to Education Team Manager (ETM). For all external venues please include three quotes from Calder Conferences Ltd. together with the online enquiry form.
  • ETM checks VTS budget spread sheet
  • Application is approved and signed or application needs clarification/alteration
  • If approved, the budget spread sheet is updated and TPD/PGCM informed
  • If not approved, the application form will be returned with explanation
  • Invoice along with receipts sent to Health Education England using the procedure below.

All invoices must be sent directly to the following address together with appropriate receipts:

Health Education England
South West LETB
T73 Payables F485
Phoenix House
Topcliffe Lane


Payment will be arranged on receipt of invoice.

TPD Application for Funding form (for Programme Delivery funding)