Child and Adult Safeguarding requirements for GP Training


Following the publication of national guidance regarding the training expected for all healthcare staff related to child and adult safeguarding, the RCGP and deanery requirements are changing.


The new requirements are consistent with the following guidance documents:

Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff January 2019

Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff August 2018

The key changes are as follows:

• All trainees at the beginning of their ST1 period must undertake level 3 training in both child and adult safeguarding. This non-participatory learning may be online or face to face training and must be documented in the ePortfolio.
• There needs to be further knowledge updates documented in the ePortfolio at the beginning of both the ST2 and ST3 years.
• There needs to be evidence of at least one piece of participatory learning documented in the portfolio for both child and adult safeguarding in each ST year.

Note that:

• Trainees will not be expected to document the number of hours undertaken doing participatory and non-participatory learning.
• All trainees will be expected to meet these new requirements by August 2020.
• Failure to provide evidence of meeting the requirements for each ST year may lead to an unsatisfactory ARCP panel outcome.
• The Educational supervisor will still need to confirm achievement of safeguarding level 3 competencies at the end of training.
• Online training is available via e-Learning for Health or some practice placements have access to Blue Stream Academy.

There is further information on the Child & Adult Safeguarding requirements on the Royal College of General Practitioners website



John Edwards & Susanna Hill - Associate Postgraduate Deans for Assessment

November 2019