New GPST Committee

A committee has been formed comprising a GPST representative from each Programme and to include a Less Than Full-Time trainees (LTFTT) representative, together with the College AiT representative and the BMA representative for the Peninsula area.

Head of School of Primary Care, Education Team Manager, and Education Programme Officer all attend the committee from the Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education staff side.

It is intended to meet quarterly. The first meeting was held 28th May 2015. 

The purpose of the committee is to be the forum for trainee issues to be raised through your scheme representative to ultimately feed into the Peninsula Primary Care School Board. 

The Programme representatives are:

Cornwall - Lorna Trenchard

Exeter - Emily Hay

North Devon - Adetola Osinubi 

North Devon IMG - Rose Kalu

Plymouth - Motaz Abulaila

Plymouth IMG - Position vacant

Torbay - Charlotte Grimminger and Lucy Vernon

LEETs - Position vacant

RCGP AiT Trainee rep - Samuel Jones and Rebecca Dunne 

LTFT Trainee rep - Lucy Horsley

BMA Trainee rep - Adam Sage

AIT Rep - Lucy Williamson

The representatives are happy to take your training issues forward so please use the following links to contact your representative if you are unable to talk to them in person. All meetings are held in total confidentiality.