Insight into capability issues.
Performance difficulties are not serious or repetitive.
Does not attempt to perform tasks when not capable.
Takes responsibility for the task, and ensures that it is completed under supervision or completed by an appropriate colleague
Seeks advice and supervision appropriately.
Demonstrates expected improvement in areas of weakness.
Demonstrates the ability to learn from experience.
Limited insight into capability difficulties.
May attempt to perform low risk or simple tasks when not capable, but then seeks advice and supervision.
Demonstrates some improvement in areas of weakness.
Demonstrates some ability to reflect and learn from experience, but there are still concerns in this area.
Repeated sick leave often of short duration and possibly associated with on- call.
Repeated avoidance of acute situations.
No insight into lack of capability.
Performance difficulties are serious or repetitive.
Attempts to perform high risk task(s) when not capable.
Inability to communicate effectively.
Repeated inappropriate delegation of clinical responsibility.
Repeated inadequate supervision of delegated clinical tasks.
Ineffective ingrained clinical team working skills.
Does not seek appropriate advice or supervision, therefore putting patients at risk.
If unable to complete the task, does not ensure that it is completed by a colleague.
Seems unable or unwilling to improve in areas of weakness.
Does not demonstrate the ability to reflect and learn from experience.
May make formal complaints about colleagues who express concern about capability.
Insight into difficulties.
Takes appropriate time off sick.
Insight into limitations caused by health issue.
Seeks help and advice appropriately (from own GP or occupational health or appropriate colleagues) and follows this advice.
Responds to concern raised by colleagues and modifies behaviour appropriately.
Complies fully with all treatment and reasonable adjustments to workplace roles/conditions.
Limited insight into difficulties.
Continues to work whilst moderately unwell.
Limited awareness into limitations caused by health issue.
Seeks advice appropriately but appears reluctant to follow this.
Some appropriate response to concerns raised by colleagues.
Complies on the whole with remediation package.
No insight into health problem.
Continues to attend work even when
obviously unwell.
No insight into clinical limitations caused by health issue; may jeopardise patient care.
Does not seek help or advice for health issue.
Unwilling or unable to respond appropriately to concerns raised by colleagues.
Does not comply with treatment or reasonable adjustments.
One episode of minor misconduct only (N.B. need to check that there have not been any episodes in previous posts).
Individual agrees when challenged that conduct was inappropriate.
Demonstrates remorse for misconduct.
Demonstrates the ability to reflect and learn from experience and there is no evidence of further misconduct.
Seeks advice appropriately on conduct and associated issues.
External factor present (family/financial/ work related/evidence of stress).
Two or three episodes of minor misconduct (check back to other posts).
Individual agrees when challenged that conduct was inappropriate.
Demonstrates appropriate remorse for misconduct.
Demonstrates the ability to reflect and learn from experience, but some very minor concerns about conduct may remain.
Sometimes seeks advice on conduct and associated issues.
Repeated episodes of minor misconduct, or one or more episodes of serious misconduct.
Individual does not agree that conduct was inappropriate, or denies misconduct.
No expression of remorse.
Unable to demonstrate the ability to reflect and learn from experience.
Unable or unwilling to accept advice on conduct-related issues.
No external contributory factors.
Work history difficult to verify/previous concerns.